Thursday, April 9, 2009


This is my new BLOG!

I think there's a 'follow me' kind of community thing, that's kind of cool (I think I've been watching too much Ellen)..... I will figure that out, a bit like twitter... hehehe...

Well, at first I was going to try and figure out how to import my blog posts from xanga, but I found out that it's a hassle and no one has ever done it successfully except by paying xanga to do it for them....

Then I wanted to go through my old posts and select a few that I really like and post them here, but it just didn't seem right to take them out from other entries, because there were days where I just blogged about random things, and then days when I was ranting, days when I was sad and wrote it down, so I think in the end, I'll just end up printing them one day.... maybe I can publish a book.... =P..... yes I do dream... ;)

So in the end I just decided, since I am starting this new blog, I just put my most recent posts of things that I just started..... hopefully everything will go smoothly from now on. *fingers crossed*

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