Merry Christmas! Happy Boxing Day!!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas holiday with your friends and family and a fabulous start to 2011!
If you knew me in Toronto, you would probably know that I try to decorate my home for Christmas every year, and first year in Uni was definitely the year where I spent a lot of time with my housemate decorating! :)
Well this year, I didn't decorate my house in HK for Christmas, it's just not something we do in HK, and it really does make us forget about Christmas. However, at work we decided very late to do a little bit of decoration, get a tree and keep things simple. In the end I did keep it simple, but I think it was the simplicity that made the decorations so stunning! Unfortunately the photos I took will never do it justice, however, I hope they will offer you some ideas for next year's Christmas..... .
I got some fabric for a christmas dinner that I was doing for church, and so picked up some red fabric for the office. I then tied the doors with fabric like they were christmas presents.
Merry Christmas!
What decorating tips do you have to share?